pan は長い柄のついた片手の「平なべ」、pot は両手の「深なべ」を指します。
pots and pans とは「なべかま類」のことです。
また、「長い柄のついた深いなべ」いわゆる「シチューなべ」は saucepan、「中華なべ」は wok といいます。
「なべ敷き」は pot stand、「なべつかみ」は pot holder です。
a small kitchen tool made of curved pieces of wire, used for mixing air into eggs, cream etc (Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English) curved : 曲がった
a large deep spoon with a long handle, used for lifting liquid food, especially soup, out of a container (Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English ) liquid : 液状の
a long metal or wooden stick that is put through pieces of meat to hold them together while they are cooked (Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English)
a metal or plastic bowl with a lot of small holes in the bottom and sides, used to separate liquid from food (Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English)